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Offering to Aldgate Fatberg, 2023

2 min video of performance by unseen figure



Polymerized Flow Snag

Parallax group research padlet


In the video, an unnamed and unseen researcher is mapping mythic parallels between the underground and above ground of Aldgate, at the edges of the financial district of London. Below the street, a fatberg or fatbergs accumulate and clog , index of slow-degrading waste products of contemporary life. 'Entities defined by their flow and blockage,' the researcher writes, 'the fatberg is a distorted mirror to the financial flows passing through the networks of buildings above ground'. While they write this, dust is collected from computer screens on wipes flushed into new formations below the pavement surface. Looking at the researcher's notes and diagrmas, tracing companies registered above the named Aldgate fatberg appears to lead to The Armadillo Group, and the glyptodont digger becomes a navigational figure for unearthing connections through slow drifts of waste.

The protagonist, let's call them Researcher A, collects together this research on a USB data storage device DataTraveler G4 16GB and drops it under ground as a ritualistic offering, where it becomes part of the Aldgate Fatberg itself. 


shown at Distributed Narratives

images: stills from video

© 2021 by Andy Weir

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